I'm really excited to annouce three new additions to our facility!
First is a lovely steel grey colt, RWS Black Hawk. Out of our own RWS Cherokee Wind and WEC Tempting!
Second, a stunning dark grey filly, WEC/RWS Divine Intervention. She is the last foal of WEC Tanqueray and Tonic and first foal out of our own RWS Cold Hearted Princess!
And finally, a dapple grey filly, WEC/RWS Blue Agave. She is out of our stallion, RWS Cherokee Wind and the last foal of WEC All That Glitters.

And the last bit of news is RWS Bonnie Prince Charles bred his first outside mare! The result is almost a spitting image of Charlie and we are so thrilled for the owner of the colt. Go check him out, you wont be disappointed! RWS/GHS Apotheosanity